Thursday, March 28, 2019

Entertainment: Starbucks Arts and Crafts

I originally intended for the Entertainment category of my blog to be about stuff like movies and video games (prime example is this post of mine), but just recently I had a really entertaining experience with my girlfriend at a Starbucks. Below is the product of our creativity.

Cute and wholesome, right?
Actually, she did most of the work while I just took pictures. My hands aren't as crafty as hers. She has a habit of crafting origami cranes whenever she gets her hands on anything soft and foldable, like a piece of tissue. She seems to do this with her brain on automatic-mode, and I'm kind of envious of that. I need to apply myself more to create an origami sculpture that doesn't look like a ball of crumpled paper.

Here's a video of the above scarecrow being made.

She created several other things besides the Scarecrow too, like a bunch of paper people from the receipt.

Six paper people

We made them worshippers.

I'd worship someone ten times bigger than me too.
Obviously you don't have to be at Starbucks just to do this. I remember I used to make smiley faces on a plate using ketchup from McDonald's when I was a kid. I wonder if the employees cleaning up tables find any of this impressive.

What kind of creations were you able to produce in your spare time at a place to eat? Let me know in the comments below :)

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